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Chakras have a long and diverse history.  In Indian Sanskrit the term Chakra means “spinning wheel” historically associated with the Indo-European chariots as they conquered ancient India; metaphysically likened to the vortices of our Pranic energy system. Chinese theories describe our life force flowing along meridians with the pulse points being chakras.  They identified 12 pulse points used for acupuncture and other healing techniques; these 12 points are along the skin and connect within us in only 6 chakras with the 7th chakra being the crown chakra used as a transition point for the next level of awareness.   Chakras can be seen as physically linked to different regions of our physical bodies or they could be metaphysical tools to reach a greater self awareness.  How we view chakras determines how we view our life and the energy we have to live it. 


Stones have long been associated with the chakras and with healing properties. The current use of unnatural colored stones and man made stones could lead someone on a path they do not want to walk. Following are some ideas about the seven Chakras:

Crown Chakra (Shahasrara)

This chakra is located above our heads and is usually known as the crown chakra.  Experiences in this chakra mindset focus on spiritual revelations and living for others, one naturally follows the other. The following attributes of this chakra assist in fully understanding experiences on this level.

Sound:  Resonating OM during meditation on this flower shows harmony is eternity defined.

Oil: Frankincense—activates spirit

Element: Spirit        

Rock: Clear quartz

Mt Shasta Meditation: Altruistic chakra, time spent working for the higher good and seeing paradise in the present moment.

Broadcast Metaphor: the essence of communication, or even pre-communication; inspiration to actually try to communicate.



Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

This chakra is located on our forehead and is usually known as the third eye.  Experiences in this chakra mindset focus on intuition, empathy, and compassion.  A new self emerges when we respect our connection to the whole.  Light is seen as a substance, wind as alive. The following attributes of this chakra assist in fully understanding experiences on this level.

Sound:  Resonating OM opens the gateway to the sight of our soul.  The expanse of creation is revealed.

Oil: Rosemary—activates memory

Element: Mind, Inner Space            

Rock: Amethyst

Mt Shasta Meditation: “We are all related” chakra, time spent empowering others and releasing  the old for the new to take its place.

Broadcast Metaphor: Controlling communication, finding we control our choices, we make things happen, fate is an illusion.  Things happen for a reason we choose and put into action.

Throat Chakra (Visuddha)

This chakra is located around our larynx and is usually known as the throat chakra.  Experiences in this chakra mindset expose truth and lies.  The following attributes of this chakra assist in fully understanding your experiences on this level.

Sound:  Resonating HAM during meditation on this flower shows your right mind, desire, action and life to follow.

Oil: Myrrh—activates vocal cords

Element: Ether (breathe) (not to be confused with aether which many consider the medium for electro-magnetic waves.)

Rock: Turquoise

Mt Shasta Meditation: Karmic chakra, time spent releasing guilt, taking on family responsibilities, realizing the karma held in past deeds.  Unions are recognized.

Broadcast Metaphor: Communicating our truth, the universal truth, but also hearing truth.  Learning to communicate our own ideas as openly as possible and accept other’s ideas just as openly.


Heart Chakra (Anahata)

This chakra is located around our hearts is best known by our breathing, a balance of inhalation and exhalation resembles the balance needed for chakra energy.  Anahata Nad refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound, the sound of the celestial realm.  Experiences in this chakra mindset open us up to accepting love in our lives as well as forgiveness.  Our personal patterns are exposed. The following attributes of this chakra assist in fully understanding experiences on this level.

Sound:  Resonating YAM during meditation on this flower builds trust and respect so that relationship can begin.

Oil: Rose—activates compassion

Element: air                    

Rock: Rose quartz

Mt Shasta Meditation: Transition chakra, dweller on two worlds since you’re magnetically tuned to your higher self but still focused on day to day minutia.  Eternal experiences are differentiated from temporal.

Broadcast Metaphor: Forming communication into effective patterns without losing self, to love someone without losing self, to love self without losing others.  To accept love from others, unconditionally, means we understand them.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

This chakra is located between the chest and pelvis and is usually known as the solar plexus chakra.  Experiences in this chakra mindset help to define individuality and the art of being original. The following attributes of this chakra assist in fully understanding experiences on this level.

Sound:  Resonating RAM during meditation on this flower brings courage to face who we truly are.

Oil: Juniper—activates digestion

Element: Fire                    

Rock: Citrine

Mt Shasta Meditation: The individuate chakra, time spent recognizing mortal life experiences as the foundation to who we are.  Original art can be made.

Broadcast Metaphor: Discernment of communication quality; judging the meaning of communication and the quality of reception.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

This chakra is located below around the reproductive organs and is usually known as the sacral or desire chakra.  Experiences in this chakra mindset follow themes of desire and sexuality, the action of placing oneself within a world of one’s own creation. The following attributes of this chakra assist in fully understanding experiences on this level.

Sound:  Resonating RAM during meditation on this flower brings relief from lust, anger, greed, deceit, pride and envy

Oil: Sandalwood—activates strength

Element: Water            

Rock: Carnelian

Mt Shasta Meditation: Evolutionary chakra, time spent recognizing personal evolution and its ramifications.

Broadcast Metaphor:  Discerning how to filter interference in communication, connecting with others to find solutions

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

This chakra is located at the base of the spine, the coccyx,  and is known as the root chakra.  Experiences in this chakra mindset follow themes of foundation building, understanding instinct and meeting our survival needs.  The following attributes of this chakra assist in fully understanding experiences on this level.

Sound:  Resonating LAM during meditation on this flower brings feelings of security, stability and contentment.

Oil: Patchouli—activates connection to earth

Element: Earth            

Rock: Ruby

Mt Shasta Meditation:  Instinctual chakra, time spent naming the uses of materials.

Broadcast Metaphor: Communication can only occur when your tv is on, or to put it another way:  communication can only occur when we are truly ourselves, when we have fully left our family’s values and beliefs and replaced them with our own.

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